Recetas tradicionales y creativas con nuestra receta ancestral de jugo concentrado de la caña de azúcar tradicionalmente conocido como "Mieldecaña" de Frigiliana.
Pumpkin fritters with “Andalusian sugar cane molasses”: BY Sergio Garrido
Thank you Sergio Garrido for showing us again another way to use our “Andalusian sugar cane molasses” from Frigiliana. A natural product with less calories and more nutrients than panela and other sugars.
Creative recipes created by the Gastronomic Group
The Gastronomic Group is a non-profit association, legally constituted with a duly registered trademark, which forms one of the strongest gastronomic collectives on the national scene. It is currently made up of 42 chefs from the eight provinces of Andalusia, representing the best cuisine from our community. After two years developing the idea, Gastroarte. Grupo Gastronómico de Andalucía was set up in Cordoba, initially under the name of Tapearte, on 10 November 2009, as a non-profit organization with an Andalusian scope, under the protection of the provisions of article 22 of the Spanish Constitution, in the Organic Law 1/2002, of 22 March, regulating the Right of Association and other provisions in force issued in development and application of that law, in the Law 4/2006, of 23 June, of Associations of Andalusia, as well as in the concordant normative provisions.
Traditional recipes re edited by Chef Sergio Garrido Sergio Garrido
Sergio Garrido is Chef with a long and distinguished career. He has been working in kitchens since he was 16 years old. He has received numerous awards, such as the renowned award of the D.O.P. Aceituna Aloreña in 2019, for his work in the dissemination and promotion of Spanish products around the world. After more than twelve years of experience of running the kitchens of 5* Hotels, in 2020 he created a project called "Populus Global Gastronomy" through which he promotes gastronomy with a great social conscience. The same year the project was awarded with a Distinction of Honour by the University of Malaga and incorporated as a subject of study in their new gastronomic sciences degree. "It is an honor for this chef to form a partnership with Ingenio Nuestra Señora del Carmen, and to be able to bring you these traditional recipes, so that you can enjoy such a precious product that has so many years of family tradition as well as the tradition of an entire village".